A recipe for your
Teaching Success


"Again, again!" There's a reason children drive us crazy with their requests to do or hear the same thing over and over: children learn best through repetition.

Here's what the experts have to say…

"You should repeat a stimulus until habituation occurs; then stop."

- Susan Ludington-Hoe

Professor of pediatric nursing author of How To Have A Smarter Baby

"A child masters an activity by repeating it; at the same time, she is programming and strengthening the neural pathways in her brain. Allow - and even encourage - your child to repeat activities if they involve new skills she is developing."

- Winifred Conkling

Author of Smart-Wiring Your Baby's Brain

"Going over the story [in a book] more than once enables a child to learn new vocabulary items well enough to use them in answer to questions."

- Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn

Psychologists, child development experts and authors of Baby Minds and Baby Signs

On to the last important ingredient - stimulation...