Why teach Math Early?
It’s easy to teach math (much easier than it used to be!)
Traditionally, teaching babies math by the flash method required a big commitment on the part of parents. Some programs involved teaching six or nine times a day – something that is impossible for parents who work full-time. A fair amount of preparation was also involved.
Luckily there are now mathematics programs for babies that are designed to be used just once or twice a day – a frequency most parents can maintain. Some, like BrillKids’ Little Math Learning System, even provide the lesson materials for you. All you need to do as the teacher is sit down at the computer with your student, and press play!
Another factor that has sometimes made it difficult for parents to teach has been the need to sustain a child’s interest in his lessons. While most young babies love seeing dot cards, problems can arise when parents first introduce the cards to an active toddler.
Little Math is designed to enable you to import or create icons – such as animals, insects and cartoon characters – that will appeal to your child’s particular interests. For many parents, customizable, varying icons have made all the difference in keeping lessons fun and fresh for their child.
Babies love to learn math!