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Babies are brilliant – and we have the videos to prove it!

Our first video shows 16-month-old Naimah reading using Little Reader – as well as her reaction when she thinks she isn’t about to get her reading lesson! In the full version of the video, you can see her reading over 40 words. Naimah was taught to read from the age of 10 months using the Little Reader system.

The second video shows Felicity reading between ages 12 months and two and a half years. Now aged three, Felicity is reading at third-grade level. Felicity was taught to read using the flash card method, the multisensory method as well as computer-based systems.

In the pages that follow you can find plenty more videos of babies reading. You can also find videos of babies reading through a simple search on YouTube.

If you’d like to see your little one featured on the BrillBaby site, share your baby reading video with us!

About the Video

The above video shows Naimah reading at 16 months using the Little Reader learning system. Naimah shows she understands the words’ meanings through several signs of American Sign Language as well as simple gestures: she smiles as she reads the word “smiling,” kicks and looks down at her legs on the word “legs,” and points at her toes on the word “toes.”

About the Video

The above video shows Felicity reading between the ages of 12 months and two and a half years. At just 12 months, Felicity can be seen gesturing to indicate the meanings of words, as well as pronouncing words intelligibly. Soon after her second birthday, Felicity shows not only an ability to read books designed for six-year-olds, but also a love for reading – as captured by her emphatic statement to her father: “I want to read it myself!”

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