An introduction to Prenatal Education

Teaching before birth
Prenatal Education
The busiest time in anyone’s life happens before birth! Not only will your baby grow from the size of a blueberry to being a fully functioning human being, but every tissue and organ of her body will grow out of what was once just a single cell.
But there is far more to your baby’s time in the womb than simply growing physically. All of your baby’s senses are developing during his time in the womb. While sound will be his primary source of stimulation, touch, vision, taste and even smell will also help his brain to grow, as he begins learning about his parents and the outside world that will soon be his new home.
Until the advent of four-dimensional ultrasound technology – enabling us to observe babies moving in the womb in real time – our ideas about a baby’s perceptions and experiences in the womb were extremely limited. Recent scientific research has revealed some startling facts about fetal development. Follow the timeline of Prenatal Milestones to learn more.
To find out more about how your baby’s brain is developing in the womb as well as after birth, go to the Science of Early Learning.
Learn more about Prenatal Milestones…