Computer-based Early Learning
Computer-based math is more fun
(for toddlers)
Classically, the flash cards used to teach babies math will have red dots printed on them. While infants tend to enjoy these cards, parents who begin teaching math to a child who is an active toddler sometimes have difficulty retaining their child’s interest.
Children at this age have very strong likes and dislikes, with dots on cards not tending to score highly!
The best way to get your toddler interested in mathematics (or anything else, for that matter) is to incorporate her interests into lesson time. Little Math and the BrillKids Forum provide a potentially limitless supply of fun shapes and icons – everything from babies’ faces, to animals, to butterflies, to cartoon characters.
If your child’s favorite character is not in the forum, you can easily crop the image you need and upload it to Little Math. (Remember to upload any icons you create to the forum, to earn valuable loyalty points!)
Besides this, programs like Little Math give you the ability to mix icons and icon sizes – ensuring that no two lessons are ever alike!
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