Perceiving quantity: Subitzing
When should I start teaching math?
In his book, How To Teach Your Baby Math, Glenn Doman explains how you can give your child quantity lessons starting from birth. If you are using the Little Math Learning System, we recommend beginning any time from 3 months.
For lessons in quantity to be truly successful, it is advisable to begin before the age of two and half. Of course, how you approach your lessons will depend in part on the age of your child. In the BrillKids Forum, you will find various discussion topics outlining age-appropriate techniques for teaching math by the flash method.
Help! My child is older!
If your child is over the age of two and half, there is still plenty you can do to give him a head start in mathematics. Your child may not be able to instantly see large quantities, but you can still give him an idea of what real quantities are by showing him objects in a grid pattern. For more on this, go to Computer-Based Learning. Of course, you don’t need a computer to produce quantities on a grid – it does make the job a whole lot easier though!
Now, it’s time to find out what the Doman and Shichida math programs involve in Flash Method.