Home » Teaching Baby » Math » 8 Myths of Early Math » Myth 2: You shouldn’t teach math unless you’re good at math.

Assuming that parents are aware that it is possible to teach babies mathematics, a much more important stumbling block exists in the form of the parents themselves!

Many parents have a mental hurdle to overcome when it comes to math. Mathematics is not something we can all relate to; therefore it can seem like a chore. But this is all the more reason to teach math. Your child doesn’t need to be condemned to share your negative feelings about mathematics, which do not reflect the reality of the subject but rather the failings of the school system (how many of us can remember having a lousy math teacher?).

The good news is that you don’t need to be good at mathematics to do a great job of teaching your baby math! Thanks to the ready availability of lesson plans – not to mention preprepared Little Math lessons – the only thing you need to provide yourself is oodles of enthusiasm!

If you find it hard to be enthusiastic about math, you might be interested to know that many parents have discovered a renewed interest and excitement for the subject as a result of teaching their children. Watching your child discover something for the first time will always make it appear in a new light, and this is just as true with mathematics as anything else.

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