Home » Teaching Baby » Reading » Why Teach Reading Early? » Reading’s Place in History

That the average child will begin walking and talking during his first two years of life is an accepted fact, because it is so commonplace. But what if it wasn’t? Mightn’t you consider it unreasonable to expect a child to develop such an impressive repertoire of motor and verbal skills at such a tender age?

If most children you knew learned to read at the same time as they learned to speak, there would be no need to consider whether their brains were sufficiently myelinated to handle the task. (We’re still not sure babies’ brains are officially myelinated enough to handle speaking at the age they do!) In considering the feasibility of babies learning to read, we would do well to view the phenomenon of reading in its historical context, as Kailing reminds us:

Glenn Doman was certainly ahead of his time when, in the 1960s, he began teaching parents how to teach their babies to read. As more early reading advocates appear, the idea of children being able to read before they start school is gradually going mainstream. Instead of being viewed as the one in a million, the early reader might soon properly be viewed as the regular kind of genius that every baby is from the moment he is born.

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